It has definitely been too long since my last post.
We've had a world of projects we've been working on.
We tried making sauerkraut; it failed.
We are in the process of making wine; we have to wait 6 months to know if that failed or not!
I've been working two or three nights a week making my quarter acre garden a reality. It's looking nice. It's a little over half done.
It's struggling a little bit this year, but next year I think it will really take off. Th weed suppression of the woodchips is incomparable to any other method. It's almost maintenance free. There is the occasional blade of grass here-and-there but they are easily removed by simply wiggling my finger around the base of the plant and tracing the roots all the way to the end. The chips make this so easy; it's effortless. I simply pull it out once I've found it's end. That's it.
There hasn't been any sewing in this house in a while. We've been very busy between maintaining friendships, keeping house, the garden, our daughter, meeting for sabbath, not to mention work!
When this garden gets established, I will find myself with much less work to do; it will feel odd. I may have time to maintain this blog, lol!
I've forgotten to mention our bees! They are sooo healthy it's great, they really love our buckwheat.
Did I ever mention I grew buckwheat?
Well we did and aside from the Johnson grass growing right through it in a localized patch, it did great.
I've been dealing with some rabbits lately, I'm having to relocate them. They love my beans a bit too much. I thought I only had three that were eating in my garden but I am beginning to suspect there may be close to a dozen in the local area.
Great things are happening in life and it can be a bit overwhelming at times. I'm thankful to be in the will of Yah. I am thankful for all the people in my life and for the new people I am meeting. A single person can transform your life forever.
I think this is all the post for now. And as usual, "I'll try to ad photos later". Right....Sure...
No really, I mean it.
Shalom to all and Yah bless you