Sunday, December 15, 2013


I learned something tonight that hurt me terribly.

A great friend in my youth, a person though younger than me by atleast five years, always seemed more grounded and wiser than me, has left the flock and has also become a part of the homosexual agenda, it appears that he cohabitates with a man that he seems to be in a relationship with.

This struck me with shock.

The last I had known about my friend was that he was attending college in St. Louis to become a youth pastor. He had many connections and friends doing what they could to support him, let alone a home church that was very happy for him.

I'm not certain what happened between then, a number of years ago, and now.

When we spent time together I wondered to myself what his family would look like in the future. What kind of spectacular wife he would have. How much more accomplished his children would be than even him. These things won't happen. That hurts. I counted him as an altruistic friend that was always benevolent.

Like I said, I'm not sure what happened between then and now, as we haven't been in touch for a while. I always expected him to come back to town, but he hasn't. He's still in St. Louis. I know he has many more people in his life who's opinion's and feeling's matter much more than mine, however I can't shake the hurt. In a youth group that didn't always look to the light, he was a reliable leader that knew holy from unholy.

I can't condone sin. But I do love my brother in Christ, even as a sinner. We are all sinners and fall short of the grace of Yah. But He has mercy and has afforded us salvation through Yeshua.
I will always have love in my heart for this friend of mine.

I had been thinking about the topic of homosexuality and if I wanted to address it on this blog. Many people think ( especially in this "modern" age) that to reject sin is to reject the sinner. What some people don't consider is that it is possible for ourselves to be rejected by the sinner. When I learned of my friends decision, it compelled me to post this blog. I pray that my words are not abrasive and that although they may be received with dissuasion from this individual, that he will still consider my love and appreciation for the place he took in my life while we were young.

I've not been active on my FB for what has been several years so this has only now come to my attention. As it has come to my attention, and the technology we have today is a new thing, I am struggling with what I should do about a friendship I felt in my heart. Should I remove him as a friend and send a clear message? Or do I keep him and continue to pray for him? Granted if I am to say anything about my hurt, he is prone to take me off of his list of friends. I believe I have made a decision but I will wait on it for a week or less, depending on correspondence over the course of this week.

At the end of the day, I know this: Yah would not accept it, and He would chastise him for his immorality.

I don't feel it's my place to chastise said friend. Though maybe that's me being weak as a Christian.

My hurt comes from seeing that in this world that a great holy leader has been lost, and that in the world to come I won't see him at the gate. From all appearances his heart is not repentant. Though he does still have a vast amount of content on his page with regards to his church. Some people have responded to him in less than holy ways, albeit those same people are not what I would consider followers of Yeshua as of today.

I know that this individual is intimately familiar with the Word of God and that what I am about to write is nothing new to him. But to have a clean conscience I have to write it anyway.

Leviticus 18:22 KJV

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

or more clearly from the NLT

Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

And here is a more vivid illustration from an outspoken Paul.
Romans 1:18-32 NLT

18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.* 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. 32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (NLT)
1 Timothy 1:8-10 Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine ... (ESV)
These verses are not written in hate. They are holy scripture. I do not hate my brother for losing his private fight with temptation. The Word says that if we hate our brother, he have not the love of the messiah. In fact that verse, 1st John 3:15 equates hate to being a murderer. I love my brother, and that is why I petition his choice.
I can't help but battle at the same time with a commandment that I am not fully versed in, that of shunning. I know that it is scriptural, through and through, but not having examples of holy shunning makes it a little difficult to follow a safe path with it.
Here are the verses regarding shunning. A topic I have avoided till present and may be able to better elloquate in the future, but certainly not at present.
I was going to just quote 1st Corinthians 5:11-13. But after reading the chapter, the entirety should really be read.
From Matthew 18:15-17 NIV
15 "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
The Word of God truly is clear on the matter.
I don't blame my friend for looking at the world the way he does. Things have changed drastically in the last thirty years. I'm not sure how youth these days can try to stay pure with all of the evil around them. There are so few people even from my generation that are pure, not to mention the fact that more and more of the people that were pure at one point in time, have now fallen by the wayside. It hurts and it is genuinely sad. And many of these people would still call themselves saints, even though they choose to no longer "be separated" from "the world".
In a day of self-worship steeped in materialism and church buildings that are more entertainment centers than institutes of salvation, where is a stray sheep to turn? When the media barrages the public through a bullhorn trifecta of radio, TV, and internet-todays churches whisper from across town to turn from sin. When I look at today's generation turning from Christ, I don't judge them, I could easily be one of them. Their falling away is not their fault. I know who the liability rests on, and I know in all my soul that those same individuals would never hold themselves accountable, much less lift a finger to save said soul.
Today's generation has nothing to contrast materialism with, it is what they believe to be "normal", it is "their normal". Individuals of age, have it as their responsibility to enlighten today's generation that there is a choice, and that every decision they make-whether it be which shoes to wear or whom to associate with- is a decision that they have complete control over. That popularity is not the answer, but rather integrity and perseverance.
I'll end this with Matthew 7:15 KJV
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
Take heed to whom you listen. Not all in the church are saints.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Reusable Diapers


Diapers are gross no matter how you go about it. I'll do what I can in this post to help you out the most I can.

Elizabeth and I tried two or three different brands of diapers. We tried out two different styles. One where the pad is snapped onto the diaper and then tucked into the cloth of the diaper, sort of like a blanket (these are called pocket diapers); and another where the pad is folded and tucked into the diaper, so that it's only being held by material at the front and back of the diaper (these are diaper covers). We purchased them through Green Baby Bargains.

Green Baby Bargains has one sale a day in regards to various children's items (educational, toys, household goods, etc.). Elizabeth has purchased all of my diapers this way and have saved quite a bit of money. Do your research on what you think will work best for your family and then watch for sales while you are expecting. We started with two dozen diapers and have recently purchased a dozen more. You can make it on 24 diapers but around the six month mark, we started having to wash daily.

 Elizabeth purchased a package of Seventh Generation disposable diapers to begin with due to the meconium issue. We have heard it is hard to get out of the reusables. This was also a blessing as we were both exhausted. The other newborn issue is that she thought the diapers would fit because Abigail weighed over 8 pounds when she was born and the diapers are for 8-35 lbs. They didn't! Abigail is very tall and slim. It took about a month for her to fit and so she will be watching for a few dozen newborn diapers to add to our collection.

I'll start with pictures of the ones I dislike.

I dislike them for more than one reason. First The pad has to go between two layers, so when it's all soaked, you have to pull it out. Eww. Secondly, because it has a snap, you also have to unsnap it, even when it may be brown, double eww. And thirdly, THEY LEAK!!!, even when you double the layers, they are still likely to leak. You never have to double the other diapers!

The only nice thing about these diapers, is that the snaps are multi-colored. You would think that it wouldn't be that big of a help in any way, but it actually is-especially when your child needs to be changed at night. The brand is called Lulabye-Baby.

The inside of this diaper is adept at collecting random hairs in it, no matter how clean your house is. If you have a hair floating around in your house, you will find it here stuck in the material.
That yellow circle is where the pad snaps in.

You can see the male part of the snap at the top of the pad.

Here is one pad.

And here are two pads.

The pads stuffed into the diaper. The hole where you see the pad sticking out of is how you are able to tug the pad all the way through to the end of the diaper.
Here is one of two kinds of pads for the other type of diaper we have. This specific one is the one that I prefer. They are called Indian Prefolds. It's not too large, is relatively hands-free once the diaper has been used, and dries a bit easier than any of the other pads of this style that we have tried. You can get organic cotton ones for around $2.50 a piece.

This kind is guaranteed to work, albeit, it's a little larger and a bit thicker. There is an absorbent side (bamboo) and a non-absorbent side (cotton). These sometimes don't dry as well as the Indian Prefolds.

Diaper Safari brand!

This is what I was talking about when I said the pads were held by two pieces of material at the front and back.

Fold One.

Fold Two, then flip over, and

Abigail never gets diaper rash. We strictly don't use any chemicals/powders/lotions or any other "thing". We only use baby-wipes. Babies naturally have soft smooth skin, they don't need our help. Her skin is only rough on her knees now lately because she's crawling all over the house. Let nature work for you.
 If your child is crying there is a reason! Hunger, sleep, or wet diaper, or a need for love/security-this last one is frequent.
Many times your child will cry because they just want to be held.
 Don't listen to those people that tell you that you are spoiling your child because you hold them when they want to be. There is a time and an age when you have to expect them not to be in your hands all the time, but that time is no sooner than when they can walk and understand what you are saying, otherwise you are just fighting with nature. Touch is the language that children understand the quickest. To touch a child is to love them.
I never thought about one of the facts of a homestead: Raising babies!
It's all relevant I guess, another aspect of life on the farm.
Well, this may start a tick of writing more about Abigail. Raising her is beautiful, I love it. She makes us so happy and she really is much easier to raise than what we had been led to expect.

Part of homesteading is saving money everywhere we can, we figured out that it would cost about
 20$ a week to buy disposables. However our total monthly water bill for the month is only 50$ and we spend approximately 24$ a year on detergent. Recently our purchase of a dozen Diaper Safari covers and inserts cost us 118.40$ with shipping on GreenBabyBargains. If you were to three dozen, it would be around 350$. The savings are clear. Abigail will use these and so will her next sibling. I'm not sure how long they'll last after that.
I'm going to have to start those postings now. They're at the ends of my fingertips.
I'll space them out over the next weeks or so.
I pray to our heavenly Father that He bless you abundantly with peace and grace that can only come from a relationship with Yeshua our Messiah.

Michael E McCartan

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lord and James

I'm not sure who will find this information useful but here is something you may not be familiar with.

The word that is commonly translated from both Greek and Hebrew as “Lord” is actually the Hebrew word “Yah”, as in “Yahweh”. This is interesting to me, so out of curiosity I cross-referenced this with a Bible I have that is written in Pennsylvania Deitsch. I wanted to know what the German plain-folk translated it as, to see if they felt it had a modern equivalent.
I was actually surprised to see that they didn’t translate it as anything! It was written as Yah in the Hebrew and it remained Yah in the Pennsylvania German.
Yah is the Hebrew name for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I’m not sure what you can do with this knowledge but I still think that it is worth knowing.
Hallelujah, meaning "Praise Yah!" or "Praise God!", is not a comment towards God himself. It is a declarative exclamation telling the worshipers of Yah to praise him! This really changes the dynamic of worship. It takes things from being as simple as simply saying "Praise God", to actually having to be more proactive and to have to think of ways in which to praise Him.
Another factoid; there is no such book as the book of James.

It is actually the book of Jacob, or Jakobus in Pennsylvania German, I’ve also cross referenced this with a translation to Hebrew, I can’t remember the way it was spelled but it was clearly a version of Jacob.

Why was the name changed?

Because King James was a very vain man and he wanted a book named after him. Plain and simple.

I hope this helps you in some way.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Plain Things

For those of you that are unfamiliar with plain culture and are unsure of how plain folk look at the world, there is a new periodical that might help to open your eyes.

It's called "Plain Things".

It's published every so many months by a group of anabaptist living in Kentucky.

Here is a website with information about subscribing. There is no prerequisite to subscribe. Anyone is able to.

I pray that Yah blesses you in all that you do and that you always keep your eyes on Him through whom we have salvation, our savior Yeshuah our Messiah.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Word From George

“I do recommend and assign Thursday ... next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” –George Washington (October 3, 1789)

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Lord Gives Providence!

I've told you all about how my family is doing a "Back To Eden" garden.

Well like many things, I get distracted by watching my daughter during the week and on the weekends I'm rushing to get everything done that I couldn't do because my hands were full.

Well one of the things I have forgotten to do, is source genuine woodchips.

It's easy enough to do, just call your local arborist and they'll be happy to dump them wherever you want them. I've had my list of distractions though.

I have taken the trouble to source compost. I should be able to get lots and lots of it. I'm very blessed that I can get it from one of the local municipalities for just the cost of renting a dump truck.

All of that to get to this point.

Today before Elizabeth was even ready to go to work, a man knocked on our door and apologized for the inconvenience as he told me that his trailer had acquired a flat tire and that they needed a place to park it. He asked me if in front of my house was ok. I'm a hospitable man, so I said sure! It's really no matter to me as long as Elizabeth is able to get out of our driveway.

Well some hours passed and I noticed that the trailer was still out there.

More time passed and I heard some noise coming from the trailer. I noticed that the trailer had a ditch digging machine on it. I figured they laid lines or pipe of some sort.

As I was looking out at the scene I saw a pickup truck parked behind the trailer that said something about "Tree Service". Immediately I jumped on the opportunity. Right in front of my house was a chance to secure many loads of woodchips, and I didn't even have to make a call.

I had a good conversation with the owner of the company. We looked at both sides of my house and decided which one was best for a heavy truck to drive on. He told me that sometimes I might see him once every two weeks, and that sometimes I might see him four times a day.

I'm not sure how large his trucks are that haul large loads of chips but from the way he described them, they sound pretty large.

I'm not sure when he'll expect to deliver his first load, but regardless, I have some preparing to do.

I need to have the back field mowed and tilled!

From what I understand, it doesn't matter which goes first. The woodchips or the compost. Though I'll concede, I would like to have all the compost dropped before I have too much woodchips.

It's nice to see the Lord working in my life and providing. I definitely see this as providence, as His will.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Anabaptist Dancing! Part One

This posting is a posting of honesty, introspection, reflection, and redirection.

When I was young in the pentecostal church I rarely-if-ever hesitated to worship our Lord by dancing, leaping, or even running the aisles. I'm talking about when I was probably eighteen to the time I was twenty-three.

It was around the time I turned twenty-three that I began to have personal contentions with the way the church worshipped. I began to feel that there was an absent focus on preaching but a very present focus on active worship. There wasn't enough preaching and too much music and dance. I let my focus on this become a distraction and a roadblock to my personal walk with God.

After I was married the contrast to my former self was stark. I really didn't worship God in the same way. Even though I was fellowshipping with the same congregation I became stiff and uptight. I no longer sang aloud, I never danced, and certainly never ran the aisles anymore. I began to look down on those that did worship that way as disorderly and out of touch with what God expected from us as worship.

It's funny how my contention was with the fact that there wasn't enough preaching, but that my focus became rather the way in which we worshipped. So I guess in the absence of preaching, I became focused on the one thing that was truly present. Worship. The altruistic purpose for which we meet in fellowship. To give God the glory.

I want to be clear that this is all a recent revelation to me. My eyes are being opened to the deception I let myself believe. No one indoctrinated me with this back then. I guess it was partially my thoughts on becoming an adult and "acting" mature that also firmed up my new conviction.

The word of God says that we are to be like children. This is very true. It's not easy to let that guard down for everybody, but it is a commandment.

David's Wife, Michal, was made barren because she mocked David for worshiping by dance. We should follow his example, clearly it is Biblical. Furthermore it is evident that if we try to dissuade others from worshipping in this manner, that we are as guilty as Michal

Here are the two parts of 2nd Samuel chapter 6 that discuss the offense of Michal.


12 And it was told king David, saying, The Lord hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness.
13 And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings.
14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.
16 And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart.

And here is 6:20-23

20 Then David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How glorious was the king of Israel to day, who uncovered himself to day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovereth himself!
21 And David said unto Michal, It was before the Lord, which chose me before thy father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the Lord, over Israel: therefore will I play before the Lord.
22 And I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be base in mine own sight: and of the maidservants which thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be had in honour.
23 Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.

The word "play" in verse 21 is referring to the instruments that David played, not the playing of a child. Nonetheless it would still be relevant even if it were misunderstood. Leaping and dancing before the Lord is a very shameless way of worshiping.

I honestly felt bad for David when I read this because for those that don't know, David was given Michal by Saul. The Bible says twice in 1st Samuel 18 that she loved him. I can only presume that the love was reciprocated because when Saul told David that in order to have her hand in marriage that he wanted one hundred foreskins of the Philistines, David came back with two-hundred. Seems to me that is a statement.

Well unfortunately for David, while he was away for a period, Saul took away his daughter as David's wife and gave her to another man. After a long while David was able to get her back. This scripture above transpired after he repossessed her. We can only infer that she no longer loves him.
That's sad. What's worse is that her own hatred that she cultivated in her heart caused her to become barren. Michal rebuked David for worshiping the Lord. It really is that simple.

That point aside, let's refocus on the overall point of this posting.

If we have the inclination to dance and leap before the Lord as a form of worship, we have the Word of God illustrating to us that it is holy and appreciated of the Lord. Also, the Word makes it clear that we are not to ridicule or persecute anyone for doing so. For me to observe this is a true exercise in humility. My pride is swallowed. I was wrong. However I am thankful for the experiences I had on my detour. It has made me the Christian I am today.

A congregation of dancing anabaptist pentecostals, that would be beautiful.

Since I've had this revelation I've come to the conclusion that there is a time for worship and a time for preaching and if a balance isn't met, then the needs of the people and the needs of God are not being satisfied appropriately. I'd have no problem meeting with pentecostals if I knew in advance that it was going to be a worship meeting, but I would have a problem if it was conveyed that there would be preaching and there wasn't any.

Bear with me, I'm coming around to this myself.

I've been to pentecostal services that were three or more hours long, I loved them!
Sometimes it would be two hours of dancing and one hour of preaching and honestly I am fine with that, I truly feel like that gives God the glory he deserves. But I've also been to meetings where there was twenty minutes of preaching and an hour and forty minutes of music and dancing. That kinda bothers me. That happening once is tolerable, but it happened three consecutive weekends in a row.

I pray to meet like-minded saints.

I know there are other anabaptist pentecostals out there, but we are all on different levels. I truly wonder how they feel about these things.

I know how the Amish and Mennonites of today look at it, I'll be writing about that soon. It seems to be at contrast with the Amish and Mennonites of the 16th century.

Bless you in the name of Yeshua

Friday, November 8, 2013

When All Else Fails, Plant Roses!


See this beautiful rose?

When we first moved into our house we were forced to mow it to the ground because the grass was too high, the second time we mowed it because we decided that we didn't want flowers obstructing Elizabeth's view while she did her weaving. Then a span went by where we weren't able to mow the yard.

When we got back to it, there were THREE rose plants!

They won't die.

Apparently you can't go wrong with roses.

It's beautiful, healthy, and can stand being mowed over multiple times.

I'm not sure how tall it will get, but at this point we are done trying to kill it.
If it has this much will-power it deserves to liv.

It only stands about 6-8"s but that was still enough for one of the plants to put forth a flower.
It was a nice dash of color against our house.

A word of caution about roses. Plant them away from deer and horses, both think that roses are a tasty treat!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Real Butter! With Pictures

This is the starting product. A gallon of real milk. The top part is cream, the lower half is milk. When the two are separated you have cream and skim milk. The cream is what gives the milk flavor so when we make butter I drink the milk but I don't enjoy it.
This is us skimming the cream off the top. It's very thick compared to what you are probably used to from the store. From here we separate it in to two mason jars that are both half full.
We then put lids on the jars and shook them for about 15-25 minutes. It was stunning for me. It was my first time. After about 10 minutes I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong, I couldn't see that anything was happening. Then all of a sudden I noticed a lump in my jar. I tilted the jar over on it's side and I could see that there was a very large lump of butter beginning. We both became very excited, each of us was doing one. By the time that twenty minutes had passed we were just making sure that we had shook it enough, being as it was our first time, we weren't sure when to stop.
We were both very surprised by how much of the cream became butter. Both jars together only created a half cup of "butter milk". "Butter milk" is what they call the milk that is left over after making butter.
A view into one of the jars.

A view into the other jar. 
Both jars side by side
This was us straining a jars worth of butter, getting the buttermilk.
This was us washing one of the jars worth of butter, cleaning it so that there was no buttermilk left on it at all.

And this is the final product, a jar full of butter!

Elizabeth and I are eager to make butter again. We found our Dazey butter churn hiding in a box in the garage. We really want to use it. It should be much easier on our wrists. I'm not sure when we'll get a chance to do that. I had hoped that it would be easier for us to get an extra gallon from our source but it's proven to be difficult. And neither of us really want to waste a gallon of drinkable milk. The skimmed milk is very unappetizing.
A note about real butter:
Do not keep it out like you do store bought butter, this butter will not keep at room temperature.
That being said, you will want to leave this butter out for a while before you intend to use it for a meal, or for bread, etc. It becomes very hard and difficult to spread when cold. Of course a simple remedy for a slice of bread is to put some on a slice as best you can and to microwave it. It doesn't take long at all. Simply taking it out from the fridge and letting it sit for a half-hour is plenty of time for it to become spreadable. It's very smooth. If you practice this, I encourage you to consume the butter inside of a week and certainly by the end of two.
Or you can try a French Butter Bell. We've not tried that yet for real butter. If you have please send us a message, we want to hear about it!
Because your butter will not have any preservatives in it, it will not keep in your fridge as long either. I think that if we had made one mason jars worth that we would have enough to last us two weeks. We eat like birds, so if you like butter, feel free to make as much as you want. Obviously with the cream from one gallon, you'll have a mason jar full! A quart of butter.
The truth:
This butter tastes exactly very similar to store bought, however if you know the cow that you got your milk from, then you know for a fact that this is the real deal and that it is much more nutritious and healthy for you. It's worth the fun of making it with the family, that's for certain!




Monday, November 4, 2013

My Struggle With Anabaptist Views Of Non-Violence

Quite a long title huh?

For those that are unfamiliar with groups of Christians that identify themselves as "anabaptist", that group includes the Amish, Mennonites, the Old German Baptist Brethren(O.G.B.B.), the Hutterites, and the various other groups that fall under the name of "Brethren".............and then you have us......Anabaptist Pentecostals.

I've not spoken to any of the other groups about how they look at non-violence except for the O.G.B.B., I expect that the Amish and the Mennonites agree for the most part with their interpretation of scripture.

What they told me is this. That they do not believe in violence and that they abstain from war.

This I can agree with.

Then they elaborated.

They told me that even if someone broke into their home, that they would not offer resistance, even if the invader initiated the rape of their wife.

I try to be agreeable as much as possible, but this was too much for me to handle.

I chalked my disagreement with them up to the fact that I was only then becoming familiar with anabaptists. I figured that there was something in the Word that I had skimmed over and that I needed to find.

So I read the New Testament again, I still did not agree with them.

I can only speculate that the other groups agree with their ideology.

It's been approximately five and a half years since I had that conversation.

Ever since then I have struggled with my partial agreement with them.
I agree that a man should not engage in violence. That violence is evidence of hate, and that those that hate will not enter into heaven.

The Bible tells us to forgive.

I agree that war is not the manner in which the Lord intended for us to resolve our disputes.
But I've always felt strongly that when diplomacy fails, and an individual or group resorts to aggression, that any man or woman has the right and privilege of self-preservation, including self-defense.

A saint of God will not instigate hate, violence, or aggression at any time.

But the other half of the disagreement revolves around the fact that to attain peace, after trying diplomacy, our only resort to neutralize violent aggression may be to utilize aggression ourselves.

When the dust has settled, we have peace.

The next aspect of this line of thought becomes; if we don't resist-is it suicide or martyrdom.
The fact of the matter is it can not be martyrdom if they are not persecuting us for our faith.
A random stranger invading our home has no idea what our faith is unless they ask. Even if we declare our faith at the moment of their attack, our faith will most likely play no role in why they chose us at their target.

If we permit the rape of our spouse, we are as guilty as the rapist.

The word of God calls us to be peace-makers.

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

I desire to be a peacemaker in all that I say and do. Diplomacy is always the first step.  Having love towards everyone, our brothers and sisters, is imperative to creating and maintaining a peaceful attitude and atmosphere.

This week I met another Sabbath keeping anabaptist family. We discussed many topics. This issue was discussed. They agreed with me.

The verse the father used to reinforce his point was one that I've mentioned on this blog before. I've never heard it used in this context.

1 Timothy 5:8- But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

I think this is an interesting interpretation of the verse, one that I'm not prone to disagree with.
Providing for our own takes on many different responsibilities, not just financial.

I feel that henceforth my conviction on this matter has been settled, however it didn't require me to compromise. I feel comfortable now about this. However I will continue to pray, and ask Yeshua for his guidance on the matter.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Much Does It Cost?

Well I suppose for each person the answer to this question is different. I'll try my best to relate everything to our real life example as it in all reality is probably a typical situation for anyone seeking this life.

Elizabeth and I came from two different types of families but yet were brought together by a common love for God and an interest in homesteading. She had been raised in a family that gardened annually and that encouraged her activity in 4H. I on the other hand didn't become acquainted with providing for oneself till I was in my early twenties. I had a small collection of axes and saws that I had used to fell some trees on my fathers land in PA. I had truly expected that I'd be able to finish a cabin that I had started. We both brought different experiences and tools to the family.

Even with the tools that we brought into this marriage, we still find that a particularly large portion of our income is put towards homesteading tools and supplies, not to mention the space they take up. We have a room that is dedicated to crafts. It has two looms in it, one is full size and the other is about large enough to make things about the size of a place-mat. Both looms were gifts.

I encourage you to write down what direction you want to go in with regards to homesteading. It will greatly determine your budget. It will also determine what you do and don't need, and from that you will know what you will be purchasing in the future. I say the future because Elizabeth and I have been married for over six years and we are still acquiring the things we know we will need in the future (Like pressurized lamps and clothing material).

A lesson that many a homesteader learns the hard way is to buy the best quality that they can afford. Being cheap doesn't pay off in the end. We feel strongly that all homesteading tools should be heirlooms. The next generation does not need to struggle as much as we do. Not only that, but if you figure out how much money you spend replacing inferior tools annually, you quickly figure out that you could be greatly ahead had you simply purchased quality. The one exception to this that comes to mind is buying Snap-On Tools versus Craftsman. Unless you've got the money laying around, don't waste it.

The reality of the matter is that if you are going to liv this life of homesteading full-time, it will literally cost thousands of dollars. It's a life of passion that gives us much pleasure. So instead of spending a large sum of money on a TV, spend that money buying something you can use to make yourself money.

I know I've made it sound like alot of money, but when you consider the different directions in which one can go, the truth becomes evident. Many of us will acquire things for free and that furthers our ability all that much. It is quite possible in many places in the U.S. to find draft horses for free, people just can't afford the hay and feed, but then you have the cost of leathers and implements.
I by no means have gotten to that point, but I will admit I entertain the fantasy. This is a case where once you own land, the horse, and the items pertaining to the horse, you only really have to worry about the cost of the horse coming up again a dozen or so years down the road.

I'm struggling as it is to make my plane-making venture work. Machinery is not cheap. Yes you can buy a table saw used but you never know how the previous owner took care of it. With machines it's best to buy new and to try to get a warranty. That costs money. On the upside, it's probably a machine you will own the rest of your life. Don't buy cheap with the express intent of saving money. Buy quality with the intention of owning something for a lifetime. It may be uncomfortable at first, but the rewards will show themselves in time.

I'm not sure how well I helped you, my goal was to be honest. There is no way around the fact that any venture you take in life will cost money. Homesteading will be expensive. Plan ahead and use your money correctly.

I hope this helps.

Lord bless.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2 Gallons of Real Cow Milk!

This is what real cow's milk looks like. The stuff they sell at the store in no way resembles this. Once you have tasted and handled real milk it will anger you what they try to sell you. They exploit your lack of knowledge. Basically the milk they sell at the store is milk that has had all the cream taken out of it, they use it to make butter and other products. When you drink this at home you keep the cream in it, it is what gives it it's depth of taste and nutrition. Without the cream this milk is not appetizing, though I would still sooner drink it than what they sell at the store.
The arrow shows you where the division between the milk and the cream is.
Typically I shake the container before I pour a glass. Otherwise the first glass can taste like liquid butter, quiet a funny experience for a newbie. If you are a skinny guy like me and are trying to gain weight, this is the stuff you want to drink. It tastes great, is much cheaper than weight-gainer, and is also much much healthier for you.
This is supposed to be a one gallon jar, but it turns out to be a full five quarts. A quart of cream and four quarts of milk. It's a real nice treat every week. We consume about two of these containers a week. If we had teenage sons there would be no way that I'd be caught without a milk cow!
I've personally met the cow that gives us our milk, sadly her owners haven't given her a name.
She gives about 3-4 gallons a day they say. That's enough to satisfy her owners needs and pay for herself. We are currently paying 5$ a gallon container. To us it is more than a reasonable deal, especially considering that the cow is a Guernsey and that she is grass-fed not grain-fed.
We currently liv in the state of Arkansas where it is legal to purchase cow's milk from off the farm. I will never again purchase milk from the grocery store if I can avoid it. It is immoral that they try to call it milk. It is not milk.
I strongly encourage you if you are able to, to get ahold of some real milk. I've only had store bought milk my entire life. I grew up in Houston Texas. Don't buy the lies from the milk companies and big government that tell you real milk will kill you. It won't. If you're worried about it, just check the farms facilities and make sure that they practice proper hygiene. Be cautioned, some places do not practice proper hygiene, the burden lies on you to validate.
We made butter from a gallon we purchased. We'll be posting that probably later this week. We have plenty of pictures!
By the way, this is only our third week having real milk. We are still very new to it.
This is milk the way God intended it to be, unadulterated by man.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pastors Of the Porters-An Invitation

We know that there are like believers out there. I know this, because we have met them. Granted those meetings were before we had this blog and also only in passing. You meet a lot of people as a truck driver.

Well, we need an individual or individuals that are willing to be our preachers. At this time, I do not feel that it is the will of the Lord for me to establish a home church and to lead it. I simply am not learned enough nor do I have a sufficient memory to communicate adeptly the ideas and their foundations that I have gleaned from the Word of God. I may be eloquent, but I am not where I need to be yet. I feel secure that there will be that time, it's just not now.

If you are an anabaptist pentecostal and are interested in leadership, please email us. Even electronic pastorship is appreciated.

Lord Bless.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Our Fiftieth Post!

I'd just like to say thank you to all our readers! Our last posting was our fiftieth. I honestly didn't imagine this day when we started this blog. I didn't know if we had enough to put on here. As time goes on we think of more and more things that we want to add!

We had misplaced our butterchurn and were just about convinced that one of us had put it in a box and taken it to the Good-Will. Fortunately I found it! It was in a box hiding on a shelf in the garage.
We are both very relieved, it is an heirloom from Elizabeth's family. We'll be using it soon to make butter.

We have a posting to make on some butter we've already made just using mason jars. It was a lot of fun and very simple. We were both very surprised by how much butter came from the cream, there was very little buttermilk.

Please if your enjoying our blog, vote on the home page and sign up for emails!

With you in the Lord

Michael and Elizabeth McCartan

The anabaptist pentecostals

Friday, October 25, 2013

Want To Join? What would your contribution be?

This posting is being written with the intention of provoking your interaction.
We'd like to hear what your contribution would be to the discussion of faith and culture.  

I think to this point Elizabeth and I have made a fairly clear point of where we stand on our theology and our convictions.

We are curious about where you are with your walk with God and what brought you to our blog?

At this point we do not have a plot of land that we can liv off of, that won't happen for five to ten years, but when it happens for us, We are curious. Would you like to join?

We'd prefer families to purchase at least 10-20 acres. We'll let you know "where" when the time gets closer. We'll let you know this, land is selling there for 2,000$ an acre, a fair price.

If enough families commit there would surely be enough "sub" groups that everyone's ideological differences would be satisfied.

At this point the binding factors of our "preferred" community would be
1. horse and buggy
2. No electricity in the house
3. Electricity in the shop is fine for working men
4. Bi-weekly fellowship with like-believers
     This means that every other week would be spent with a different community
5. Homeschooling for children
6. Men either work from home or with other men of the community
7. Higher education is not encouraged for women, unless they intend to remain unmarried
8. Higher education is only encouraged for men when there is no alternative.
9. Trades are encouraged above all else.
10. Women are encouraged to enjoy their life and to perfect the art of motherhood

Our Theological Establishment Is Founded On The Bible
the following statements are the theological foundation for our community

1. Weekly conversations on the Biblicality of our beliefs and convictions-this is a lot of fun to dive into, you learn so much that changes they way you look at the world.
2. We all believe in one God and that his name is Yeshua.
3. We are baptized in our Lord's name.
4.We Read from the Bible daily.
5. Legalism is heavily discouraged
6. We believe in water and spirit baptism
7. In situations where it is merited, we do believe in shunning.
8. There is to be MORE THAN one preacher.

There is more to the list than this, but that is why we need your input. This is only intended as a starting point.

I encourage you to contact me through email. I will respond.
And if you are comfortable with it, I would prefer to post your reply for others to read and comment on.

My email is

Every individual brings a new and different dimension to a group. We all have different life experiences. We encourage discussion to move things forward. We are curious about what you would like to see in a community.

Having a community makes it much more simple for our children to find their future mate. Living states away makes things difficult for everyone, and many opportunities are lost as well. Not to mention the potential loss of a sense of identity.

Lord bless, We'll talk again later.