Saturday, March 30, 2013

Covering Thy Head

In the six years that I have been covering my hair, I have tried many different veiling styles. At first, I started with a simple, white lace veil. At the time, I associated myself as Pentecostal and many of the girls at school asked me if it was part of my religion that I start covering myself with a "wedding veil" a certain number of months before the wedding. I knew that this wasn't working for me and had to rethink and seek God's will of what my covering was supposed to be like.

* I want to take this moment to pause and remind the women reading this posting that I feel the type of covering I wear is something that I feel God has led me personally to - I do not feel that this is the type of veil for every individual. He led me to this and it is also approved by my husband.

For most of the last six years, I have worn the Darted Veil from Plain and Simple, which usually drapes down between my shoulder blades: Darted Veil

Although I have ordered blue veils in the past, I have almost always worn black as a personal preference but I also believe that white should be reserved for those that are unmarried.

Helpful links:
Quaker Jane - Great discussion about things to consider before taking up the covering (or bonnet in her case)

Covered4Him - Wonderful long veils

Plain and Simple Coverings - Excellent selection and articles about putting up your hair in different styles of buns

Modestly Covered - I just found this Etsy shop a few weeks ago - beautiful long veils

We Have A Prayer Closet!

I make this statement not to boast, as a closet can be of any size or in any part of one's home. It's just a great feeling when one can liv by their convictions and Biblical commands.

It's probably a simple 3'x4' closet adjoining our bathroom. It has a simple padded prayer bench.

It is convenient, quiet,  and solitary. There isnothing ostentatious about it. It is a simple place to have genuine prayer with God.

I've not taken a foto of it yet, I will try to post one later.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Menno Simmons, Our New House, and Selling My First Plane

Menno Simmons, Our New House, and Selling My First Plane

Lately I've been curious about the origins of the movement encouraged by Menno Simmons. I've been very interested in the documents that came from the meetings of his peers whether Mennonite or Swiss Brethren. 

You can find links here to those documents.  

My deepest interest like I said is with the early history. I've tried reading a variety of Menno's early writings and I think I just haven't found the right ones yet. Most of what I have found so far has only been fluff meant to encourage his followers or has been brief paragraphs about "the ban".  His most thorough writing I've found thus far has been about the educating of children, there is no mention of college. Menno's educational references are all made towards the word of God. 

I've only begun to read, so if I find any interesting pieces I will bring them to your attention. 

Here is a link where you can specifically find Menno's writings. 

Simply do a search for "Menno" and you will find anything you are looking for. 

Menno was known as a prolific writer, so there is a fair chance that I just haven't found his "meat and potatoes" yet.  

It's surprised me with what I have found that he can write so much and say nothing, but yet clearly he has had an enormous affect on Christian history. I'm certain there are writings I am missing or perhaps better translations. 

Our New House

Last weekend we received our appliances so now our house is a home! All of our furniture is in as well. Now we just need to take over the rest of our library and we will be set. 

I do unfortunately have to update that during the move Elizabeth Ann's loom was damaged and will not be usable until I am able to repair it. I'll try to remember to do a post on it. Including pictures. 

Hand Plane Making

I've not yet even begun to make and sell wooden hand planes yet, but I have already "sold" one to a good buddy of mine. It's a good motivation booster and also encourages me all the more to leave truck driving. 

Well with all things in our life, everything is very fluid. We'll try to keep you updated. 

Michael E McCartan

Why No Pictures?

The absence of pictures on this blog is not because of an ideology. We've just been unfortunately in a position where we are most often only able to update the blog over our phones. Due to this situation we have to deal with the quirks of the phone and blog format, they have shortcomings.

In roughly a month or two we should both be living in our home daily. This will open up copious hours that heretofore have been waisted.

I should also make it clear that we try our best to use only photos that we ourselves have taken, and in the instances where we have used photos from other sources we will be replacing them in time with our own illustrations or photos.

I'm sure you have noticed that there are no photos of us. That will also be addressed in the future. We don't intend to paint this blog with our faces, but we will let people see us to better understand our walk with God.

We encourage questions! So let us know if we can help you in your walk with God!

Michael E McCartan

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Poor Update

A Poor Update

Alot has happened in the last 4 months. We've been so busy between my driving for a living, moving into our house, and everything else in-between. 

Elizabeth Ann is still healthy with our child. Everyone save a lone individual is certain that the gender is male. We'll see coming the first week of May or so. 

Elizabeth is eagerly looking forward to her homebirth. 

It seems that aside from one weeks break, all of my weeks driving have been spent going to Pennsylvania. Ordinarily I would enjoy this, but the routine has become less than pleasant due to weather and rushing to get home by the weekend. 

It looks like I'll be able to leave driving in another month. I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish by April 16th so that when I have to go renew my license I can have it changed to a civilian license instead of commercial. That way I won't be able to go back to driving. 

I'll be staying home to watch our child. It's not the way we prefer things to be, but being the first generation to convert requires us to make some sacrifices as our name's first plain family. 

My sons will not be put in this situation as they will have learned a trade before they marry. 

I have so much to tell about woodworking news that I am disappointed that I can't even leave a teaser! It would leave to many questions! 

Bottom line is that I've made many new and good connections and have also acquired many new books and tools. I will try so hard to keep an inventory for this blog once I am home fulltime. 

This blog will be much more active once I am home. 

I am very encouraged that I will have a two car garage to use as my woodworking shop. It will have all the room I'll need for anything I pursue.  

Elizabeth and I are not your typical plain people. I think as the blog goes along you will learn more about that. 

Just one unique example, Elizabeth and I both believe that through proper diet that the body is able to restore health to the teeth. 

We'll explain how and tell you about our discoveries/realizations as we have them. 
Elizabeth will be making some bone broth pretty soon, I'll try to get a blog entry out of it. The idea is to use the marrow to strengthen your own bones. 

There is much more to strengthening your teeth than this, but it is one example of a much greater picture.  


Our property has .8 of an acre. It's not alot but it is plenty of room to have a small orchard. Something great for us is that it already has a fruit bearing peach tree! We've not yet decided on what trees we will have but we will need to decide soon as the time to make an order has come!

A small update on our chickens. We've still got only two, both of which molted and are no longer producing eggs. Once I am home fulltime and we can let them out of the coop more, we will see if they resume laying eggs. If they don't, then their fate becomes questionable as chickens are not intended to be pets for anyone but children. 

We'll post some pictures of them, they are both very fat now and could use some good sunlight. 

We apologize for the absence of photos on our blog, it's not out of principal but rather that most times we are updating our blog from our cell phones which often causes us trouble. We have many photos we'd like to upload and will in due time once we figure out how to reliably. 

Lord Bless!

I've got several ideas for topics of theological discussion that I'd like to touch on. Once again, that may be a while. We'll see