Friday, October 12, 2012

Book Learning and Life Living

Elizabeth and I have always maintained a focus on learning skills that will help us on our farm. For example while she was in college she learned both how to make pottery and also how to weave. She has a loom and I look forward to the day she makes her first bed-rug. A bed rug is a woven heavy blanket. A 9'x9' blanket will weigh 25#'s they are intended for houses without electricity. Elizabeth worked on a farm in Indiana, she knows and teaches me alot. She is also very familiar with firearms. She cleaned my rifle! She's also working on a quilt. Her experience with sewing in 4-H helps I'm sure. Of course sewing her own dresses and my shirts goes a long way as well. She and my mother can produce annually now. There is alot to do and know on a farm, this only touches the surface.

You have to know what grasses and minerals will kill what livestock and under what conditions, Johnson grass comes to mind quickly with regards to that. You have to be able to determine what animal has killed your livestock and what course to take to eradicate the threat. Most satisfying of all, you have to provide your food at the end of the day. Whether it be cheese, sausage, steak, spaghetti, bread, milk. It's a lifestyle and a commitment, not a hobby.

I've been doing what I can to learn. We've had chickens for over a year, they still teach us plenty. I've grown up around horses the second half of my life. I don't expect that truck driving will help in any regard. I do however have a small foundation in woodworking. And wooden handplane making. There are many avenues I would like to take prior to us arriving at our farm, the future will determine if they happen. I've got a multitude of ideas and only one lifetime to see them through to completetion. Hopefully if I'm not able to fulfill them, then my children will be able to.
Whether it be animal breeding (I have two breeds of cattle I am wanting to cross), or whether it be the construction of the round barn I've designed with surrounding divided acreages, I have alot of passion in my heart that is matched by Elizabeth Ann. With her, I have faith that we will raise a wonderful family.

The core of our family's values will be our faith in our savior and to always encourage one another to learn as much as possible to make life easier on the farm. All the while, doing all we can to laugh and enjoy our life. A life without enjoyment is no life at all.

Our library comprises of at least three fullsize bookshelfs. All of our books pertain either to the Bible or to homesteading. Once we get to our farm, we will not have access to the Internet. All of our information will either need to be written down, or learned from experience. I encourage you to buy all the books you need too. I hope to get that part of the site started soon. A great majority of the books associated with homesteading can be had for very cheap from various sites if you don't mind buying used.

But the best teacher is experience, and sometimes that requires a good mentor. Many people are eager and willing to teach what they know to those curious to learn. Seek them out. Till next time this is Michael and Elizabeth praying The Lord bless you abundantly as you seek him and serve him.

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