Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Word of God Vs T.V.

I wanted to go back to people saying that they couldn't handle reading the word of God for an hour. Can you handle watching T.V. for an hour. Many television shows are a half-hour long, how many of them do you watch back to back? O.K., so you do have the time..... So then are you really afraid of what you'll find in The Word? It can be intimidating, knowing that you are holding a book that has in it the keys to salvation. It can be intimidating knowing that our Lord expects us to act on what we learn about him in his Word. It can also be intimidating to know what our family and friends will say about us when they have known us all our lives and then we begin to change, not only on the inside-but also on the outside. Pray, read, have faith and be of good cheer. The Lord is on your side and will protect you at all times. Call his name and he will answer.

Back to the T.V. , I would encourage you to throw it out. It sucks your time and money like a vacuum. First you have to earn the money to buy one, lets say it costs 500$ and from what I understand, that's a cheap one. So that is an entire weeks earnings gone to something that will not return on it's investment. Then you have to pay for either cable or satellite on a monthly basis, that's more of your time AND money! Then to add to that, you have all the time you sit in front of the T.V. doing nothing productive! The T.V. steals hours of your life in the forms of work, money, and inactivity. You only have one life, and only so many opportunities to spend it with the ones you love.
We here in the U.S. have been brought up in a generation that values material goods and entertainment more than we value our money in our bank account and our time we have to be productive.

This is a five dollar bill.
Multiply this by a hundred. Yes, you would have to multiply it by a hundred! To equal enough money to purchase that 500$ T.V. we discussed. Does it bring everything into greater perception? How many hours would you have to work at your job to earn enough money to buy that T.V. and still be able to afford housing, food, and transportation not to mention life's other necessities?

There is an expression I use, and that is: Be smarter than your body.

If we acted on all the things our flesh desired for us to do, we probably wouldn't have any friends for one and would probably be in jail for one reason or another for two. The Lord designed us to be creatures that work, both at home and at our occupations. It is not healthy to "relax" for three or more hours a night and to simultaneously be nonproductive. I relent.

If you need one, a tertiary reason to abstain from T.V. is the content. It is damnable! When I was a child there were channels dedicated to family values that made one believe that altruism wasn't dead. Today, bad is called good and good is called bad. There is no station that I would allow my daughter to watch if she were old enough to understand. I had a lot of respect for the T.V. show "The Waltons" till even they made a show about divorce. Our eyes need to be higher than a T.V. screen, we need to look on the Lord.

We only have one life to liv. Let's liv it for the Lord.
The word of God in Psalm 101:3 says "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:  I hate the work of them that turn aside;  it shall not cleave to me.
And if you need another verse, 1st Thessalonians 5:22 says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil."
God bless you, everyone. I pray for you and your families daily. It would be good for all of us saints to come together in fellowship.

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