Monday, September 9, 2013

First Set of Teeth Regrowing Pictures

So I have already described what I have seen happen to my teeth in the last month in two previous postings, so here I will post pictures. Shame on me for not having the guts to take pictures from the beginning. So I guess you will have to take my word on what I have seen happen, and know that henceforth we will have photos up here for you to see. I'm not sure how often I will update this. And there are places in my mouth that you have to look at and move at the same time to see what's really going on. So we may have to get a better camera than our phones, or we might also need to look into a quality video camera for up-close shots.

Well here are the poor quality pictures I have. I tried to take three but only two of them turned out well.

Showing personal tooth decay is very embarrassing. If I didn't think my teeth and gums were getting better, I wouldn't do this.

Alright now I am going to tell you what you are looking at.

I'm not sure if you can tell where all of my cavities are. The hind part of tooth A also is a cavity.  I should have also pulled my bottom lip down, there is damage to the largest tooth as well that is greatly improving. I'm going to say this again. Use HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE for mouthwash!
You have to heal your gums before you can heal your teeth. And in these pictures you can see how pink my gums are. When the transition begins, you will notice that the size of your teeth will change. It's a little weird. Your gums get tighter and in turn they hold to teeth better. So the gums go lower on the tooth. It's a good thing, BUT, it will show you more damage on your teeth that you hadn't seen before.

The tooth that I was focusing all of my attention on what tooth A, when I noticed that food wasn't able to go into the hole anymore I knew something was going on. Bread used to be the worst offender, followed by leafy greens. I also noticed the white lines around the cavities and feared the worst. That the teeth were actually getting worse. Over the course of days I was able to see that it was getting larger. This is a very slow process that seems to have "spurts and stalls". It seems to either improve quickly, or you don't see any progress at all. I think the reason for this is that there are many cavities in my mouth that I can't see, and I think that my body is healing each of them a little bit at a time on an "most important basis". So once my body says to itself, "ok, tooth B is ok for now till I can get back to it, now on to improve tooth C" so on and so on. And with the dozens of cavities I have in my mouth there is just no way that I can always see what progress is going on.

 You can see the brown on teeth A and B, that is the DENTIN. This is the beginning of these teeth healing themselves.

I had read about dentin but was really unsure of what it looked like under healthy circumstances, I had tried to find pictures of it on google with no luck. Every photo was of severe decay to the point of being all black or missing.

The tooth I really wanted to show up well because of it's dentin progress is tooth C, this tooth has shown me what dentin really is and how quickly it can go from being decayed to full restoration.
I was oblivious to this tooth for three weeks, then I had a drink of chicken broth and the next three days this tooth could not be ignored. It's progress was stunning. I will say though that I am uncertain about what is happening with it now. The dentin is healthy but it seems that something is going on with the enamel. I think the dentin is fully regrown, so the only thing left is for the enamel to grow back! You may be able to see that I have a black stain between C and the tooth infront of it, I am VERY curious to see what happens to that over the course of my improvements.

I think that the dentin on tooth B is healthy but that it is not as advanced as tooth C. If progress on it continues at the rate of tooth C, I'd expect it to be finished replenishing the dentin by either the end of next week or the week after, any longer than that and I'll begin to wonder what's going on. I'm so happy with the progress of my gums.

I need to drink more chicken broth but we haven't been able to make any more. I think we might be tomorrow. We'll see.

I could just go on and on saying the same things over and over. I'm really excited about this. When you see your teeth progress, you learn what healthy teeth look like. Granted my teeth are nowhere near finished but already I have seen progress, from decayed teeth that were rank and discolored and gums that were released from teeth and very unhealthy. To now, I can see the full layer of dentin on tooth C and I am so excited to see how the layer of enamel is progressing down the my gums, albeit very slowly. It seems that dentin growth is very quick, relatively speaking, but that enamel growth is super slow. Progress is progress right?

To give you an idea of how slow enamel progress can be, I would estimate that my white line of enamel on tooth C grew only 1/64th of an inch over the course of the last week, that is sloooow!

I know this is supposed to be a homesteading blog but dental health is all part of it right?


Well it should be.

Remember, stay away from sugars and grains. Sugars include juices and also healthy cereals too!

Look up Ramiel Nagel on YouTube. I'm not paid or endorsed in anyway. I am as normal as you are. I would think all of my other content on this blog would show that to be the case.

In the name of our God and our Savior
Blessings to you and your teeth in the name of Yeshua, amen

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