Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beef Heart, Liver And Raw Cow's Milk!

Last Saturday Elizabeth and I were able to take a trip to one of our local farmers markets. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures of it. We'll have to make a point of doing that next weekend.

For as long as I can remember Elizabeth and I have sought raw cow's milk. Only recently in the state of Arkansas has the sale of raw milk been legalized, as long as the milk is sold on the farm to the customer. This excites us for many reasons. Some of those reasons include the health benefits, the ability to make our own cheese, we'd like to make cottage cheese, and the fact that we just simply need to know how to handle it in general. I can't imagine getting to make real butter for the first time. I get excited just thinking about it.

Well much to our surprise when we arrived at the farmers market, one of the first booths we saw was of a grass fed beef operation. Further to our surprise they sold organ meats! The prices were very reasonable. We purchased a heart and a liver for less than ten dollars! We figure between the two, that there are probably somewhere between 3-5 meals. We'll see and I'll give an update when the time is due.

Above all, they sell raw cow's milk. I couldn't believe it. All of our beef issues had been settled! We had a source of organs, milk, and grass fed beef. What a weight off our shoulders. Now we just need to get a deep-freeze and another fridge.

If you are wondering why grass-fed organ meats would get us excited it is because of the tooth diet that we are on. They have a high amount of amount of phosphorous and that along with calcium is what is necessary for teeth to regenerate.


I'll admit up until this diet, I spent a great deal of time pondering how I would dodge out of a situation where someone expected me to eat liver. Well frankly although I'm honestly not expecting that I will like it, I am expecting it to help my teeth.

Indigenous people on an indigenous diet do not have tooth rot. They do not have cavities. Typically their tooth decay is 0.5 cavities per 100 people. The trick is to mimic their diets. It's not easy but fortunately the Lord has taken care of us with many regards regarding diet.

I'll admit that I don't think I'm eating enough. But at this point I think that a lot of that has to do with the fact that we are having to figure out how to wiggle around this diet. For example, we can have sweet potatoes and they are supposed to be good for us. Well we need to find some sweet potatoes!
We've not had any yet. We are having to completely overhaul the way we look at our pantry and our fridge. I need to look at where Ramiel Nagel's book stands on tomatoes. I like them, I'm hoping they aren't an offender.

I just red that liver is high in copper, this really excites me. I'm so eager to watch this regrowth accelerate.

Well I've looked at my book again and only found one reference to tomatoes, I guess they are just in the middle. However here is a picture that may tell you what you don't want to know.


I'll let you know how the taste test goes. The liver I expect to be offensive, the heart I expect to be veiny but still tasty.

Pleasure aside, health gains will be made.

A last note for the night. Elizabeth and I both still don't understand how it's healthy to eat an organ that is commonly believed to be full of toxins. If you understand the science behind it all we'd be happy to listen.

Michael E. McCartan




Monday, September 9, 2013

First Set of Teeth Regrowing Pictures

So I have already described what I have seen happen to my teeth in the last month in two previous postings, so here I will post pictures. Shame on me for not having the guts to take pictures from the beginning. So I guess you will have to take my word on what I have seen happen, and know that henceforth we will have photos up here for you to see. I'm not sure how often I will update this. And there are places in my mouth that you have to look at and move at the same time to see what's really going on. So we may have to get a better camera than our phones, or we might also need to look into a quality video camera for up-close shots.

Well here are the poor quality pictures I have. I tried to take three but only two of them turned out well.

Showing personal tooth decay is very embarrassing. If I didn't think my teeth and gums were getting better, I wouldn't do this.

Alright now I am going to tell you what you are looking at.

I'm not sure if you can tell where all of my cavities are. The hind part of tooth A also is a cavity.  I should have also pulled my bottom lip down, there is damage to the largest tooth as well that is greatly improving. I'm going to say this again. Use HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE for mouthwash!
You have to heal your gums before you can heal your teeth. And in these pictures you can see how pink my gums are. When the transition begins, you will notice that the size of your teeth will change. It's a little weird. Your gums get tighter and in turn they hold to teeth better. So the gums go lower on the tooth. It's a good thing, BUT, it will show you more damage on your teeth that you hadn't seen before.

The tooth that I was focusing all of my attention on what tooth A, when I noticed that food wasn't able to go into the hole anymore I knew something was going on. Bread used to be the worst offender, followed by leafy greens. I also noticed the white lines around the cavities and feared the worst. That the teeth were actually getting worse. Over the course of days I was able to see that it was getting larger. This is a very slow process that seems to have "spurts and stalls". It seems to either improve quickly, or you don't see any progress at all. I think the reason for this is that there are many cavities in my mouth that I can't see, and I think that my body is healing each of them a little bit at a time on an "most important basis". So once my body says to itself, "ok, tooth B is ok for now till I can get back to it, now on to improve tooth C" so on and so on. And with the dozens of cavities I have in my mouth there is just no way that I can always see what progress is going on.

 You can see the brown on teeth A and B, that is the DENTIN. This is the beginning of these teeth healing themselves.

I had read about dentin but was really unsure of what it looked like under healthy circumstances, I had tried to find pictures of it on google with no luck. Every photo was of severe decay to the point of being all black or missing.

The tooth I really wanted to show up well because of it's dentin progress is tooth C, this tooth has shown me what dentin really is and how quickly it can go from being decayed to full restoration.
I was oblivious to this tooth for three weeks, then I had a drink of chicken broth and the next three days this tooth could not be ignored. It's progress was stunning. I will say though that I am uncertain about what is happening with it now. The dentin is healthy but it seems that something is going on with the enamel. I think the dentin is fully regrown, so the only thing left is for the enamel to grow back! You may be able to see that I have a black stain between C and the tooth infront of it, I am VERY curious to see what happens to that over the course of my improvements.

I think that the dentin on tooth B is healthy but that it is not as advanced as tooth C. If progress on it continues at the rate of tooth C, I'd expect it to be finished replenishing the dentin by either the end of next week or the week after, any longer than that and I'll begin to wonder what's going on. I'm so happy with the progress of my gums.

I need to drink more chicken broth but we haven't been able to make any more. I think we might be tomorrow. We'll see.

I could just go on and on saying the same things over and over. I'm really excited about this. When you see your teeth progress, you learn what healthy teeth look like. Granted my teeth are nowhere near finished but already I have seen progress, from decayed teeth that were rank and discolored and gums that were released from teeth and very unhealthy. To now, I can see the full layer of dentin on tooth C and I am so excited to see how the layer of enamel is progressing down the my gums, albeit very slowly. It seems that dentin growth is very quick, relatively speaking, but that enamel growth is super slow. Progress is progress right?

To give you an idea of how slow enamel progress can be, I would estimate that my white line of enamel on tooth C grew only 1/64th of an inch over the course of the last week, that is sloooow!

I know this is supposed to be a homesteading blog but dental health is all part of it right?


Well it should be.

Remember, stay away from sugars and grains. Sugars include juices and also healthy cereals too!

Look up Ramiel Nagel on YouTube. I'm not paid or endorsed in anyway. I am as normal as you are. I would think all of my other content on this blog would show that to be the case.

In the name of our God and our Savior
Blessings to you and your teeth in the name of Yeshua, amen

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Marriage Day!

We took this picture in the sand of a California beach. Your marriage should be your second most important focus of everyday. Second only to your walk with God.
Marriage is intended to be a happy union. There will be times of "intense fellowship", but overall a marriage should not be founded on straight faces, frowns, or discomfort in general.
Elizabeth and I have been married over six years now and every day we both do what we can to make the other smile. Everyone on this earth will only liv once, what's the point of living a life that is unpleasant. The happier you are, the healthier you will be and in return the longer you will liv. 
Elizabeth and I had been married for a while when I made the observation that there is no nationally celebrated "Marriage Day". We have many other "Days" in this country. We've got mothers, fathers, and even grand-parents day. But I've never heard anyone reference "Marriage Day". So with rebellion against a country that doesn't honor marriage as it used to be; I decided that we would make our own "Marriage Day". So with love in our heart and smiles on our faces we have always gotten much pleasure from celebrating our "Happy Marriage Day".
What day of the year do we celebrate our Marriage Day?
Is it our anniversary?
Is it the first of the year?
Is it a randomly chosen day of the year?
Our Marriage Day is every day that we are together.
We let each other know that we are enjoying a moment together when we say, "Happy Marriage Day!". We don't need an instituted Holy-Day for us to recognize each other out of formal obligation. Instead we choose to let each other know that we don't take each other for granted. Being genuine is the most heartfelt satisfaction that one can have, it's especially strong when our intentions can't be misinterpreted as "obligatory".
This is a special thing that Elizabeth and I share between us but I encourage you to do the same.
Sometimes we say it daily, and other times we might say it once or twice a week. It always makes us smile when the other person surprises us with it. It's a genuine exchange between us that isn't derived from pop-culture.
Always value your marriage, NEVER say the "D" word and do all you can to make yourself a better person in the marriage. When "intense fellowship" arises, be wise and take time to think about what has passed. If you still feel that they are in the wrong or have a habit that needs to be fixed before it passes to the next generation, bring it up when spirits are light. Loving spouses care about their children and understand that only the other spouse can truly help them to raise a better generation through improving themselves and each other.
Take critiques seriously and commit them to heart. You'll raise a beautiful family if you do.
It's easy to become angry when someone critiques us, remember it's not an enemy, it's a "life-partner". Life being the important word. Intense fellowship will help the two of you to better understand how to communicate as adults and to better understand the personal needs of each other as well as boundaries that may not seem so obvious.
Love your spouse. You should be married to your best friend. Treat them as such. When you are feeling rushed, look in their eyes for an "extended moment" and just let them know you love them. Enjoy the small moments together. Those are the valuable things in your life that no one can take away.
This part is solely for the men.
Look into your wives eyes.  Deeply.  Until you can see her soul.  Then take in all the information that doing such will give you. You'll better understand her needs and also why she may not always do all the things you want to.
For both husbands and wives.
Read "The Five Love Languages".
It's that simple. Learn which ways in which your spouse conveys and receives love and refine it over and over until the two of you are both satisfied with how each of you receives and conveys love.
A small story. Part of my personality makes it so that I enjoy surprises. That is one of the love languages. Elizabeth on the other hand prefers to have everything planned. It's part of her accountant personality. When we first were married I had to learn that Elizabeth didn't appreciate surprises because they changed the parameters of what she was dealing with at any time. I on the other hand had to educate her that I love surprises. Unpredictability makes me feel young and healthy. It took her a while to learn to come out of her "box", but ultimately she found ways to let me know she loved me by appealing to such. Likewise I had to find ways to go against my nature by planning things that we could do together. It was weird for me. I always prefer to do things off-the-cuff. I'm not sure if I'm doing well enough, but it's having that thought in my head that matters. There is always tomorrows marriage day.
Communication is the most important aspect of a marriage. Second is love.
If you are married to your best friend you should be able to talk about anything. You may have to wait till the right time, but still there shouldn't be any topic off-limits. When you talk, talk with love-without raising your voice. Resorting to raising your voice shows that you've already lost control and are not willing to talk person to person. Being an adult means that sometimes you have to concede and to change. Change.
Doing these things will teach your children what "normal" is supposed to be. That's important for your health, your spouses health, your children's health, and societies health in general.
Being angry, yelling, or not talking to your spouse is not normal. Seek Normal. It's what is healthy.
You will have happiness in your life and in your marriage when you have self-accountability.
When having intense-fellowship, I strong encourage you to hug each other and then to take a break to reassess what transpired. You may likely find that there was nothing to be gained and that likely it was simply an ego, either of yours or theirs, that was getting in the way. When they have the humility to concede error, don't have the arrogance to say "I told you so", or anything of the like. There is no profit in that. Be married and make each other better people. If you or your spouse concedes error, simply love each other and give each other a sincere hug. This is what is normal.
 Being defensive is unhealthy and can blind you to what or whom is truly in error.
With Christian Love, blessed with the gift of salvation from God and our Father, I pray for blessings of the Lord our Savior to be abundant in your marriage. Be Humble. Husbands, be the head of your house by example. Wives, understand your place in the home. A man may not always be able to communicate how he feels disrespected, but he will always know WHEN he feels disrespected.
Humility and submission will heal any bruise.
Two smiles to leave you with.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Word of God Vs T.V.

I wanted to go back to people saying that they couldn't handle reading the word of God for an hour. Can you handle watching T.V. for an hour. Many television shows are a half-hour long, how many of them do you watch back to back? O.K., so you do have the time..... So then are you really afraid of what you'll find in The Word? It can be intimidating, knowing that you are holding a book that has in it the keys to salvation. It can be intimidating knowing that our Lord expects us to act on what we learn about him in his Word. It can also be intimidating to know what our family and friends will say about us when they have known us all our lives and then we begin to change, not only on the inside-but also on the outside. Pray, read, have faith and be of good cheer. The Lord is on your side and will protect you at all times. Call his name and he will answer.

Back to the T.V. , I would encourage you to throw it out. It sucks your time and money like a vacuum. First you have to earn the money to buy one, lets say it costs 500$ and from what I understand, that's a cheap one. So that is an entire weeks earnings gone to something that will not return on it's investment. Then you have to pay for either cable or satellite on a monthly basis, that's more of your time AND money! Then to add to that, you have all the time you sit in front of the T.V. doing nothing productive! The T.V. steals hours of your life in the forms of work, money, and inactivity. You only have one life, and only so many opportunities to spend it with the ones you love.
We here in the U.S. have been brought up in a generation that values material goods and entertainment more than we value our money in our bank account and our time we have to be productive.

This is a five dollar bill.
Multiply this by a hundred. Yes, you would have to multiply it by a hundred! To equal enough money to purchase that 500$ T.V. we discussed. Does it bring everything into greater perception? How many hours would you have to work at your job to earn enough money to buy that T.V. and still be able to afford housing, food, and transportation not to mention life's other necessities?

There is an expression I use, and that is: Be smarter than your body.

If we acted on all the things our flesh desired for us to do, we probably wouldn't have any friends for one and would probably be in jail for one reason or another for two. The Lord designed us to be creatures that work, both at home and at our occupations. It is not healthy to "relax" for three or more hours a night and to simultaneously be nonproductive. I relent.

If you need one, a tertiary reason to abstain from T.V. is the content. It is damnable! When I was a child there were channels dedicated to family values that made one believe that altruism wasn't dead. Today, bad is called good and good is called bad. There is no station that I would allow my daughter to watch if she were old enough to understand. I had a lot of respect for the T.V. show "The Waltons" till even they made a show about divorce. Our eyes need to be higher than a T.V. screen, we need to look on the Lord.

We only have one life to liv. Let's liv it for the Lord.
The word of God in Psalm 101:3 says "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:  I hate the work of them that turn aside;  it shall not cleave to me.
And if you need another verse, 1st Thessalonians 5:22 says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil."
God bless you, everyone. I pray for you and your families daily. It would be good for all of us saints to come together in fellowship.

My Teeth Are Growing!

My Teeth are growing!

Alright for as long as I can remember, I've had poor teeth. Every time I went to the dentist I knew I was going to get bad news about how I didn't take good enough care of my teeth, and the ever expected "did you floss?". 

Always thinking in my head," what do you mean, did I floss?!, you KNOW the answer to THAT!". 

Well for just as long, I've also always thought that teeth should be able to heal themselves. I never heard anyone espouse the same concept, but still always felt strongly that God would not give us teeth that he just expected to rot out of our mouth without any control about it and with no way to reverse it. 

When I began truck driving, my teeth were not terrible but they weren't excellent either.  

As time went by I could begin to tell that I was developing holes in my teeth. My gums never looked healthy no matter how much I brushed. 

I gave up on my teeth. I've not been to a dentist for a cleaning in probably 10 years. 

As I drove and went through the constant malnourishment and exhaustion of being on the road and also only having sugar drinks to keep me awake on my trips, the holes became worse and worse. Cream Soda was my favorite drink. I could drink three or four in a day easily.

Thankfully I never lost a tooth, although there was a tooth in the back of my mouth that was so bad I wouldn't even let Elizabeth see it for fear of her taking me to a dentist against my will. Thankfully we never could afford all the work I would have needed. 

I told Elizabeth about my ideology and how I always felt that teeth should be able to heal back like any other part of the body. I asked her if she could find anything on the Internet about my suspicions. 

It took her a little bit of hunting but she found what I was looking for. A diet solely intended to grow teeth back and to cure cavities. 

The author of the book we bought is Ramiel Nagel. The name of the book is "Cure Tooth Decay". 

I'm only writing this because after being on the diet and I mean that very loosely, my teeth are healing themselves. When your teeth first begin to show signs of healing, it's kind of creepy. It goes against everything we are told from dentist. If we have a cavity and they find it, the only solution is to get a filling. Well now we know better.

(We've not been as strict on the diet as we could have been.) but that will be changing. Now that we know it does in fact work, we now have so much motivation to go full steam ahead! 

I'll try to make this easy to understand, because it really is all new to me. 

OK, so if I were you, I'd be wanting to know what is different about this diet. 
The bottom line is this, no sugars or grains. This will not work for vegetarians and especially not vegans. Don't even waste your time with vain questions about "what-if's". 

I'll tell you about how things worked for me. I tried to be semi methodical about it. I've been doing this now for I'm guessing three serious weeks. It took us some time once I was home to really mentally adjust to this "new normal". It took a while to get used to no fruit juice. Although I have had pure cranberry juice (very very tart) and have seen no stalling or reversal of improvement. 

Ok, but first things first. I knew I had to start with my gums, and preferably the most natural way. Elizabeth had told me that I could use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash. I was excited about that because it's natural tendency to fizz when it finds infection is an easy aid to let me know when I need to use more or less, or wash with it more than once. When I first started with it, I think I rinsed at least five times with it, and always before bed.  

It took two or three days but very quickly my gums became as pink as my inner lips. I felt great about that. Hydrogen peroxide is very good about cleaning your teeth of any films and food particles, which is great if like me you have holes in your teeth. 

And something I didn't know about hydrogen peroxide till even recently, the bottle actually says that you can use it as a mouthwash! When I started using it, I thought I was doing something untested with it, all I knew was that it worked. Then one day I noticed it right on the bottle, made me feel much safer about all the fizz I felt in my mouth. 

 We'll be trying to take pictures soon, because at the rate they are healing now people may think that I'm exaggerating. 

The other thing I've been doing is taking vitamins and supplements at night and always when my stomach is full. I take six different types. The ones that I can remember the names of are silica, a type of butter oil capsule, a multi vitamin, fermented cod liver oil, vitamin D, and brewers yeast.  The last one isn't necessary, I just added it because we had it in the house and it's cheap. Can't hurt right?  

I've written so much that I'll let you digest all this. Bottom line, I didn't like dentists before but now mine is really out of a job.

When your teeth begin to heal you will notice the dentin. Due to its color it is easy to mistake it for rot, however because it is growing back in a place where there was once a hole, you know that in fact your tooth is healing itself. It's exciting when you see the layers of your teeth regenerating.

Something else I've noticed is that now that I am doing this, some of my teeth feel a sort of soft pressure in my gums. What I think is happening, is increased blood flow not only due to increased health in my gums but it's also increased attention from my body trying to heal the teeth. It's no different than your body healing a skinned knee.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How My Teeth Are Changing

How My Teeth Are Changing

When I first started this tooth diet I knew that I should take photos of my teeth just for proof, but I didn't; why? Because I was scared that I would actually see them getting worse. 

Well I regret that now. Here's why. After I began the hydrogen peroxide routine, my gums became healthy. Then I tried to refine what I was eating. 

I've been fortunate in that I've been able to source raw goats milk, I know for a fact that the milk is part of what is really pushing my teeth ahead. Elizabeth has also gone through the trouble of making chicken broth for us to use in as many foods as we can and also to drink simply by itself. We don't like beef broth to drink, it's just too gritty-it seems almost dirty in your mouth. Chicken broth is perfect, it's enjoyable when heated. 

Broth from a can is insufficient, you have to make it yourself. 

Most importantly NO SUGARS of ANYKIND!!
 Through this diet there have been times when I treated myself to small batches of sugar, and I mean very small, like four teaspoons of ice cream. In the day following I saw no progress. Yes, if you keep to it you will see progress on a daily basis, I have. 

OK, so what will you notice after your gums are healed and you have kept your mouth clean for a while. 

First you will see a white line develop around your large cavities. It's enamel regrowing. 

The next step may take a while, with me I noticed it so suddenly that it caught me off guard. 

Every day I used the peroxide I appreciated how it got the food out of the holes. Well I became confused this week when I looked in a hole that concerns me particularly because its very obvious when I smile. 

The peroxide always, without fail, got every bit of food out of the holes. But for three consecutive days it looked like I had bread stuck in the hole. I knew this wasn't possible because it never moved, so it had to be something else. 

I looked closer

It was the dentin! It's growing in the hole! Depending on how the light hits it, it can look different colors. 
Sometimes it looks yellow, sometimes brown, sometimes pink, sometimes gray. 

It's a weird substance. It looks soft like its very porous. I don't care to find out if it is or isn't, I'm just going to let it continue to grow!

So this tooth I'm telling you about had me distracted for the last three weeks, for the reason I told you. It's up front on my K9's, can't miss it. I smile alot. 

Well anyway I always look at every tooth that has a cavity just out of habit to make sure it doesn't have any soars and that no food is stuck in the hole of the tooth. 

Today I looked at one of my rear molars and once again I got confused. When your teeth have deterioration, you get used to them reflecting light back certain ways due to either enamel or saliva in the cavity. 

Well today I looked at that molar and it didn't reflect the light like it has for the last two years or more. The dentin had gotten so thick, in what must have been one night, that my eyes couldn't even focus on it. I kept tilting my head in the light to be able to see it right until I realized that the color of the tooth and the texture had changed. The tooth grew so much dentin that I seriously expect some very serious enamel growth in the coming weeks. Of course I could be wrong as this is my first time, perhaps it will take a month or more. But at this rate I can't believe it will take that long. 

I'd like to know what else is happening in my mouth that I can't see. I seriously must have dozens of cavities of varying sizes. I look forward to the day I feel confident that they are all healed and visit a dentist for an x-ray just to tell them how my teeth fixed themselves. This is seriously saving thousands of dollars and has to be healthy for my entire body. 

I'm really wondering what will happen two or three years down the road with my fillings. I'm really wondering if my teeth will pop them out. That would be great, I really don't feel safe knowing there is mercury in my head.

When my teeth are done healing, all the glory will truly go to God! I thank Yeshua genuinely for bringing this knowledge to our eyes. I knew he designed our bodies to heal themselves. I just needed to know how he designed it to work.

Thank you for reading and please if you have any questions just ask me!!

Michael E. McCartan