Friday, October 25, 2013

That Time Of Year Again.........

Last year I wrote about my peavance with the pagan day of halloween.  This year I wanted to point something out to people that may think halloween is acceptable. It grieves me the number of churches that have a "trunk or treat" in the name of political correctness, I'll have no fellowship with that, nor will I greet them as our Word tells us to greet saints.

In what order do the holydays go?


So first people honor Satan with a day celebrating witchcraft and necromancy, not to mention lasciviousness and immorality.

After that, and only after that, we finally give God the thanks that he deserved long ago. Mostly by filling our mouths with calorie rich food. In all honesty it's more of a day for us than a day truly spent giving the glory to our Father.

And once everything has been done, we give God what Glory there is left and celebrate his birth. A holyday we are not commanded to honor, nor a day that resembles anything in the Word of God.

The word of God only tells us to honor Christ's birth.

If halloween is a "holiday/holyday, to what "god" is it holi/holy?
Isn't it just not that surprising that the English language changed the spelling of holy to holi. I'm just not that surprised. Man changed it to be "all-I-Day" and that is what many of the holydays are. Days that were initially intended to honor and glorify God. But nowadays are based in paganism and materialism-heathenism really. Between the sports and the parades on TV, how much glory really is given to Yeshua?

I understand if you want to observe days like thanksgiving or Christ's birth, what I encourage though is that you celebrate them on an arbitrary day and in a way inline with the Word of God. Cutting a tree and putting it in your house has it's foundation in paganism.

I'm not going to beat this dead horse. It's a conviction you either have and understand, or don't have and mock. Let me just finish by saying, Our god is a jealous God.

I pray this touches your heart. It touches mine yearly.

1 comment:

  1. I want to say thank you for posting this....My husband and I are with you on this one, but in our families everyone else celebrates these is disheartening...I love that there are still those out there that stand up for their convictions and have the courage to share them with everyone else and explain why they have them rather than "go along to get along"....God bless you brother and sister!
