Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Wisdom Of Attending College

I'll preface this post by saying that both Elizabeth and I have attended and graduated from college. In fact, she is currently finishing her MBA.

For us though, we view this as feeding the beast as a means to slay it. Elizabeth has many connections inside of her workplace that desire her to help. Her MBA will not only assist her in attaining these positions but also higher pay.

The higher pay is what is necessary to pay off the college she was expected to attend in the first place. College is the cure to the disease that it, itself creates-debt. This route does not and will not work for everyone. A lot of it goes down to where you liv, how your family supports you, who you know, and most importantly your organizational and work ethic. All of these have to work in just the right way. It's a very risk prone method of self-advancement.

I will not encourage my sons to attend college. I will however prepare them for life. Read THE TRADES OF MY SONS blog posting.

If Elizabeth and I had been raised in plain families, neither of us would have college debt at this point, and the both of us would be further advanced in our lives.

We have not always believed college to be a negative endeavor. It's only been with the current economic downturn that the negatives of college have become more and more obvious.

The only time I encourage college for an individual is when they have been guaranteed a job by someone they know very well, I.E. their father. Another stipulation that I encourage is that they know how the schooling will be paid for. And it's no shame to them if their father pays for it. And when I say "paid for", what I mean is, In-Full before the schooling is finished. NO debts or liabilities upon exciting the institution.

Here is a quote from a famous author.

"Students who acquire large debts putting
themselves through school are unlikely to think
about changing society. When you trap people in
a system of debt they can't afford the time to think.
Tuition fee increases are a disciplinary
technique, and by the time the students graduate,
They are not only loaded with debt,
but have also internalized the
disciplinarian culture. This makes
them efficient components of the
consumer economy."

-Noam Chomsky

I could continue on about how supposed "Christian" schools are teaching heretical ideologies and compromising the integrity of the family structure, but I trust that if you are reading this that you are already aware of that. It's a shame what state our educational system has found itself in from kindergarten to college.

I will say however that the college that Elizabeth is going to now, is actually worth it's name. They say they are Christian and they act and teach like it. I can't say the same for  the college she went to for her bachelors. Granted her current school charges for that type of environment.

We fully expect that ten years from now that Elizabeth will be a stay at home mom, and that our families income will be earned by me.

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